Window to the Past
Delphos Industry in the 1800s
Delphos Iron Works
Mr. J.W. Ross, patentee of the "Delphos Turbine" water wheel, who is also general agent and hydraulic engineer for the Delphos Iron Works, has just returned from Massachusetts, where he made a contract to furnish a mammoth water wheel for the Montague Paper Mills, of Turner's Falls. This wheel is upon the horizontal shaft plan - four 48-inch wheels acting upon one shaft. The shaft will be of forged iron, eight and one-half inches diameter and 32 feet long. The wheel will act under a head of 37 feet, and is guaranteed to give, full 1,200 horse power, perhaps the most powerful water wheel in America. The "Delphos Turbine" is now the ranking water wheel in the United States. Its high merits are so well appreciated throughout the Union, that nearly every state and territory can boast of them in successful operation. Notwithstanding the tightness of the times, orders are crowding in to such an extent that an increase of force has been put to work and long hours are worked in the shop.
It is well to mention that Mr. Ross is the pioneer in the application of a turbine upon a horizontal shaft - a principle greatly in demand by paper mills and factories, where it is desirable to avoid the use of bevel wheel, always necessary in a wheel acting upon an upright shaft.
Delphos Herald - Feb. 8, 1877
The Delphos Iron Works received, last week, a letter from Franfort-on-the-Main, Germany, written by a citizen of that place who had personally investigated all the turbine water wheels of the country. He awards the highest praise to the Delphos wheel, and orders several to be shipped to him. Surely, Delphos is spreading her wings.
Delphos Herald - April 19, 1877
The Delphos Paper Mill
We are pleased to state preparations for constructing the necessary buildings for the paper mill have been commenced. The saw mill at the stone lock, a mile north of town, will be remodeled and enlarged for the new works. This will be a very desirable and valuable addition to our already extensive manufacturing enterprises, and we doubt not will prove renumerative to the proprietor.
An opportunity is offered to any individual, competent to conduct a boarding house, to put up a building on the grounds of the paper mill, at the stone lock, to board the hands employed in the factory. A lease will be given free of charge, and in time, if desired, the factory will purchase the building. For particulars inquire on the premises. A good second-hand tubular boiler, 30 to 50 horse power, is also wanted.
Delphos Herald - June 7, 1877
The Delphos Washing Machine Company (advertisement)
We, the undersigned, would say that we just commenced using the Columbia Washer, manufactured by the Delphos Washing Machine Company, and are well satisfied that it is THE machine for the business, as it not only does perfect work, without injury to the clothes, and is a great saver of labor. It deserves what is claimed for it and is a genuine patent and no humbug:
Mrs. Mary E. Krutsch, Hariet J. Risk, Susan A. Kean, G.L. Higgins, S.D. Truesdale, Emma Smith, C.S. Davis, Mary Rout, Sarah E. Jenison, F.J. Krift, Ann R. Brickner, S.E. Bonaparte, Mary Marshall, Fredericka King, Letta Helt, R. Moss, B. Esch, Loney Buffink, Nellie Redabaugh.
(P.S. Does anyone still have one of these machines? R.H.).
Delphos Herald - Oct 31, 1872
The Ohio Wheel Company
One day last week we were .shown through the establishment of the Ohio Wheel Company, by its president, Col. J.M.C. Marble. For the last year we had seen its mammoth brick building gradually rise until now - it is four stories above ground, but we had but little idea of the extent to which the company were doing business. At the present they have not fairly got to work in the new building, but they are giving employment to upwards of 50 hands, and expect in a few days to double the number of men employed. They take timber in the rough, and work it into hubs, spokes, felloes, and shafts, and in a short time expect to put up the wheels ready for the tires. Their goods are shipped to all parts of the country by the tail car load and in smaller lots. We noticed particularly one little machine in course of erection for the purpose of turning out wheels for baby carriages, and we were informed the company has an order from a single house for one hundred thousand wheels of that kind. Their building is heated throughout by steam, not a particle of fire being allowed outside of the fireman's room, and everything is put up in the best of style. The motive power is an engine of 125 horse power, which not only raw the machinery, but heats the buildings, and furnishes the steam and heat for the drying rooms.
Delphos Herald - Feb. 13, 1873
The Delphos Foundry and Machine Shops (advertisement)
The Delphos Foundry and Machine Shops sends notice to the farmers that they are manufacturing for the spring trade, a supply of their Delphos, cast and combination plows which we offer to those who desire to purchase at a small margin above cost to manufacture. It shall always be our aim to furnish the farmers of Allen, Van Wert, Putnam and Paulding counties, with plows as neatly finished, as durable and at prices we can assure all that will suit the times. Universal satisfaction has been given wherever our plows have been used, therefore, we consider it unnecessary to fill this column with ,testimonials.
Delphos Herald - March 5, 1874
Fred Kollsmith Wagon and Carriage Maker
The pioneer carriage and wagon manufactory of Delphos is that of F. Kollsmith. It is located on the southeast corner of Canal and Bridge streets (Main and Fifth streets). It is a large two story brick structure frontery 70 feet on Canal and 54 feet on Bridge Street. On the opposite side of the street on the northwest corner is another frame building, 34 by 65 feet, also used by the same manufactory. We pass into the first named buildings from (Main Street), and we are in the blacksmith and iron working shop, where eight fires are run and a force of from ten to twelve hands are employed to do the work in this room. Back of the blacksmith shop is the wagon shop, where a force of four competent hands are kept busy doing heavy work, such as lumber wagons, etc. We then pass from the lower to the upper story, which is used as a wareroom, and in the rear of this room is the shop where the light work is done, such as carriage bodies, etc. In this room we saw some fine work, gotten up in a style that would do credit to any manufactory of the kind in the state. Messrs. Krutsch and Allen, two experienced hands are employed here, and we need not speak of them as being first-class workmen, for their work has already pronounced them as such. General blacksmithing is done and the work always guaranteed.
We will now pass across the street to the other building. We step into the office, then into the salesroom, where a display of fine carriages and cutters meet our eye. The work shown here is of the best manufacture, style and finish, and is noted for its durability. A fine top buggy attracted our attention, from its perfect proportion, beauty, and good material used in its construction, and we doubt if it could be surpassed in point of excellent workmanship in the state. We passed from the salesroom to the paintshop above, where we found work in various stages of completion. Mr. Julius Gibbs is the foreman in this room and has the reputation of being one of the best painters in the state, and the fine work we noticed while there corroborates the statements of others. None but the best of materials is used in doing the different kinds of work, and the best of help is employed. The patent draft equalizer is used. The fine work done at this manufactory is well known and bears the best reputation in northwestern Ohio. In closing this article we cannot refrain from speaking of the proprietor. Mr. Kollsmith commenced business 24 years ago in a small shanty, with hardly enough windows to light it. He was poor, but was strong, industrious, and had an indomitable will with a good idea of business. He plodded along with the town - which was then new - keeping steady at work, and thus by close attention to business, integrity and good habits, he has prospered and crept up to the level of the leading business men of the place, and on the site of the old shanty, stands the imposing brick structure which is the monument of what industry can do, and how she rewards those who are faithful.
(P.S. The Delphos Historical Museum has on display, a wagon box made by F. Kollsmith. It is green with fancy gold and red trim with the wagon makers name on it).
Delphos Herald – Feb. 21, 1878
John Sharger Carriage and Wagon Maker (advertisement)
A new railroad is a good thing, so is a good carriage or wagon which you can always get of John Sharger, who turns out first class work at the most reasonable prices. Horse-shoeing a specialty, and at prices lower than any other shop in town. I have one of the best shoes in the county. Shop is north of the Marble Shop.
Delphos Herald - Nov. 28, 1878
Jacob Dientsbarger Carriage and Wagon Maker (advertisement)
Messrs. J. Dientsbarger and son, carriage and wagon manufacturers of Delphos, having constructed a track - sulkey for me, I desire to publicly say that it is the most complete piece of work of its kind I have ever met, and I cheerfully recommend this firm for their workmanship and honorable dealings.
Delphos Herald - April 26, 1877
Tannehill & Hankins Company
Messrs. Tannehill & Hankins turned out at their factory, last week, a very attractive carriage, of the "Eureka" style, which can be converted into either a double or single carriage in an instant. This job is one of the finest ever manufactured in Delphos and is every way, creditable to the firm that produced it. The trimming is noticeably neat and no discredit to Sam Larish, the "boss" trimmer with Lloyd & Longsworth. Mr. Ambrose Bussert, an enterprising farmer, who lives six miles east of Delphos was the purchaser.
Delphos Herald - Aug. 31, 1876
Old Ashery (advertisement)
The "Old and best" Ashery! The undersigned desires to say to the people of Delphos and vicinity, that the Old Ashery, westside of the canal, never surrenders, but will be ran on a larger scale than ever before. I will pay for good house ashes, 15 cents per bushel, delivered at the Ashery, or 12 cents at doors of people in town.
Delphos Herald - May 23, 1872
The Union Flouring Mill
The Union Flouring Mill (lately erected) is one of the largest and is the finest mill in the state. The building is of brick, four stories high, and is substantial in every respect. It is furnished with the finest machinery in the state. The first floor is devoted to the grinding, packing, shipping and office. There are five run of stone of the latest improved make, and furnished with the finest French burs. The packing is done with two of the Mattison Packers, with a capacity of 15 barrels per hour! The second floor is used for sinks, storage, miller's room, etc. The third floor is used for bolting, purifying and preparing middlings for regrinding into what is known as graham flour. The fourth floor contains the separators and various other machinery, and is also used for storage. The motive power is furnished by a Babcock & Wilcox automatic engine of 75 horse power. The steam is furnished by a locomotive boiler, 15 feet long and 5 feet in diameter. I will sum the matter up by saying that it is, without doubt, the finest mill of the kind in the northwest.
Delphos Herald - May 29, 1873
Excelsior Factory (advertisement)
Wanted - 1,000 cords of Linn wood at the Excelsior Factory, south of the Depot in Delphos, Ohio for which the highest market price will be paid. For further particulars, inquire of Stuter & Brags.
Delphos Herald - Dec. 26, 1872
Compiled by Robert Holdgreve
President of Delphos Historical Society
February 27, 1999 Delphos Herald Newspaper
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