Window to the Past
German Names
maybe our 10th cousins?
Recently I bought a book titled "Nazi Gold," by Ian Sawyer and Douglas Botting, at a flea market.
It tells about the Nazis who toward the end of World War II, seeing that they were going to lose the war, did not want all their loot and plunder falling into American and Russian hands. Much of this was gold, silver, paper money, and valuable paintings, valued in the millions in 1945 and stored in the Reichbank in Berlin. These valuables were removed from the bank during several nights and buried at different locations in southern Germany.
The following German names were found in this story:
Otto Reindl, a Captain in the German Army.
George Hempfling, a truck driver in the German Army.
Walter Clausing (Klausing), son of owner of Post Hotel in Garmish, and a former European ski champion.
Michael Knoebel (Knebel), served as an air crewman in the Luftwaffe.
Anton Ditt (Ditto), in German Army.
Friedrich Will, Senior Clerk at Reichbank in Berlin.
Helmut Groeger (Kroeger) helped recover valuables.
(Very detailed article in book).
Following is a partial list of German, family names that were found in or around the St. Louis, M., area between the 1840s and 1890s.
These were on the "Latter Day Saints" web site, at www.FAMILYSEARCH.ORG.
Angela Helmkamp, St. Louis, married - 1858.
Adolph Kemper, Green, born 1874.
Catherine Klausing, St. Charles, married - 1875.
Adam Friedrich, St. Louis, married - 1865.
Anne Trentman, Franklin, married – 1853.
Mary Beckman, St. Charles, married - 1845.
Antonette Falter, St. Louis, married - 1848.
Agnes Pohlman, Gasconde, married - 1872.
E.W. Laudick, Calloway, married - 1886.
Alphons Feltz, Perry County, born 1860.
Adolph Kroeger, St. Louis, married - 1861.
Adolph Recker, Gasconade, married - 1849.
Adolph Kunz, St. Louis, married - 1874.
A.J. Hedrick, Chariton, married - 1876.
Adam Kimmet, Nodaway, born - 1881.
George Holdgreve, Franklin, married - 1864.
Catharine Ostendorf, St. Louis, married - 1838.
Adam Lindeman, Clay, born - 1842.
Clara Gerdeman, Warren, born - 1884.
Albert Kiggins, Buchanan, born - 1860.
August Etzkorn, St. Louis, married - 1848.
Henry Hemker, Franklin, married - 1853.
Some early history of Willingholzhausen, (village near Osnabruck) and early families.
In the years, around 1500, the farmers actually farmed for the government. All the money and all the crops had to be given to the government market and then were equally divided among the people. Then came freedom for the farmers and the economy grew.
During the time, 750-980 A.D., the farms in Willingholzhausen were divided among family members. About 80 farms were fully inherited. In some cases, the farms were divided among the children.
In the business books from the government market the following Willingholzhausen farms were mentioned from 1350-1532: (First name was family name and second name sometimes referred to the locality.)
Brinkman, Bruggemann 1423; Frielinghaus, Schlochtern 1423; Gerding, Uhlenberg 1350; Grothaus, Peindorf 1350; Halberbe in Peindorf (village) between Lause 1423 and Grothaus 1360; Linnemann, Uhlenberg 1471; Lause, Vessendorf 1467; and other German names not recognized here.
During the time of the East Kocouisation from 1140-1350 in Weblingholzhausen, only a few farms were established. The children from the farms left and emigrated in the surrounding area such as Holstein, Brandenburg, Pommern, Mecklenburg, and Oslepreuben and settled in the area.
It was a prosperous time in the Middle Age, 1200-1350. Then a pestilence swept through the country in 1350. Then came a famine, and in 1342 a great flood, and then again in 1374 another pestilence. About half of all mankind died during that time. In Osnabruck there were only 7 couples left. Robbery, destruction, famine and pestilence caused many families to die out.
After only one generation, the country recovered from its setbacks so that a new beginning could be started with the farms. Around 1400 they divided the land (estates). There were heirs and half heirs known even hundreds of years before.
During the time of the Middle Ages (1500), craftsman and industries settled around the church. The names were mentioned in the church register, 1500 to 1600. Also the estates at that time were called church farms. A small percent of their income had to go to the government market. Other side trades were acquired such as shoe repair, carriage driver, milk deliverer, furrier, lumber workers and factory workers. It was necessary to have a side income to live a healthy life.
In 1847, the full heirs (estates) stayed in the same family for years. The reduction of households 1805-1849 came from the fact that people emigrated to America.
The four primary sources for family names were: occupation, location, father's name, and personal characteristics.
A partial list of some German family histories at the Delphos Library Genealogy Room: Berkmeier Family, Diltz Family, Elwer Family by Imogene Elwer, Family of Clara Pothast and David Krietemeyer, Grone Coat of Arms and family history, The Von Lehmden Family Tree by Lisa Haehn and Steve Haehn, Hemker Family by Kathy McCabe, Johann Wannemacher Family Tree by Carol Kunz, and Lause Family by Ron Kunz.
More information in the next Window to the Past.
Compiled by Robert Holdgreve
Delphos Historical Society
May 11, 2002 Delphos Herald Newspaper
offers tools
to dig up the past
(continued from Window to the Past printed May 11)
The Delphos Public Library has a genealogy room in the library that contains a very good selection of material such as county histories, old Atlases, old maps, very good area cemetery and burial lists, old fire insurance map of individual lots in Delphos, census records, ships passenger lists and much more.
As far as the Xerox of the list of names is concerned, written in German by Henry Joseph Boehmer, it reads as follows:
"Names of the members of the Kirchhof's society who have paid their fees" (besides, "Kirchhof" could be a mere family name but also mean "cemetery"; if so, the meaning would be:
"Members who have paid their fee to the funeral society".
1. Joseph Rekart (possibly from Richard); 2. Dominicus Rekart; 3. Caspar Gerker; 4. William Helmkamp; 5. Matthias Hellmann; 6. Johann B. Wiskebrink (name from Northern Germany); 7. Anton Wulfhorst (Northern Germany); 8. Bernard von Lehmden; 9. Heinrich Bode, (Northern or Western German); 10. Heinrich Suver (Suever) (Northern German); 11. Franz Werries (Southern German); 12. Bernard Kramer; 13. Conrad Schroder (Northern German); 14. John Bartling; 15. Peter Bohn; 16. Gerhard Calvelage (French); 17. Franz Schimmoller (Western or Northern, Southern would be spelled ... muller); 18. Franz Helmkamp (Northern German, Southkampf); 19. Catharina Hetterich (also Northern).
It is a pity that I cannot record the pronunciation of these names to you on a cassette tape! At any rate, I do not remember reading one of the names on the genealogy charts.
Continuation of names on Ft. Jennings St. Joseph Cemetery list: 20. Sigismund Bekart (male), the same as "Beckhardt" meaning "lay-brother" in a monastery, eastern word, Silesia, Breslau; 21. Henrich Calvelage (male); 22. Ebbeskotte Ferdinand (male), Northern German, Friesland (Friesian word); 23. Clemens Beeker (male), Lower (Northern) German and Dutch: somebody who lives on the brook (beke); 24. Heinrich Josef Bohmer (Boehmer) (male), Westfalian: somebody who lives near or at the turnpike (near a frontier), turnpike - Schlukenbome (Westfalian word); 25. Henrich Ostendorf (male), somebody who comes from Pomerania (Eastern Germany, today Polish).
26. Anton von Lehmden (male), aristocratic name ("von"...), Lehm - Leine, river in Hannover, somebody who lives on the river Lein ... (Ilannsver an derCeine ... ); 27. Georg Wallenhorst (male), "Horst" - Northern German/Westfalian; many combined words, "Wall..."- pilgrim; 28. Friederich hemme (male), "Hemme" is a place near Bremen, Northern German (there are no names of places with end-syllable; 29. L. (Louis) de Lucenay (male), "me", "le" in Southern German); 30. Ferdinand von der Embse (male), aristocratic name; "Ehmke" would be popular, northern German for "Einhart, - Aginmar, "Sword-glory", (I am not sure whether it reads "Embse" or rather "Embke", or "Ehmke"!); 31. Caspar Focker (male), not Northern German, cannot be explained!
32. Joseph Meyer (male), Meyer; 33. Franz Klekamp (male), "Kamp" Northern German for "combat, contest, match" "Klee" - clover; 34. Bernhard H. Lehmkuhl (male); 35. Nicolas Neidert (mate), similar to the names "Neidel - Neider - Neidert: somebody who lives in or comes from Neida, a place near Coburg (Neida bei Coburg) at the frontier between the German Federal Republic and the German Democrat Republic in Frankonia, part of Bavaria); 36. Johann Kohost (male), not -a German name; Slawonian, from Silesia; 37. John Weenk (male), northern German, Friesian word (I can't explain it); 38. Fried(e)rich Lehmkuhl (male); 39. Diederich Brinkmann (male), Westfalian-Northern Rhineland: somebody who lives on a "brink," meaning: on a meadow, pasture-ground (man on a pasture ground); 40. Carl Schulte (male), The lower (Northern) German form for "Schulze" (Southern German) - village mayor.
41. Bernhard Pavel (male), Slawonian: "Pavel" - Paul; 42. Adolph Rose (male), popular all over Germany, even in Bohemia;. 43. Gerhard Schluter (male), popular in Westfalia, but also in Pomeria (East Germany) "chamberlain" or "housekeeper"; 44. He(i)nrich Brocker (male), similar to "Brookmann", "Brockmann" Westfalian: somebody who lives in the marsh (swamp), areas of Westfalia; 45. Franz Reinemeyer (male); 46. Adolph Schurmann (male), "Schure" is a place in Westfalia near the Rhine; 47. Stephen Schloder (male) see "Schluter"; 48. He(i)nrich Werrie (male) is not West or Northern German, but a name from Eastern parts: Silesia-Lausitz; I can't explain the meaning; 50. William Wilker (male), popular in Northern Germany, Friesland: Short-form for Wilhelm.
51. Franz Muller (male), Southern (Upper) German, Northern German form "Miller"; 52. John B. Oster(s)dorf (male), seems to be Westfalian: somebody whose estate ties towards the East; 53. John H. Facher (male), seems to be Hannoveranian/Westfalian: Fach is the name of a place on the river Werra; 54. Peter Furst (male), "Furst" - prince, popular name (also here in Mittich/Hartkirchen!), Bavaria, but also Boheia among Germans; 55. Franz Duvelius (male), the same as Latin (Dibelius), latinized form of the name "Diebel", "Diebold", Southern German; 56. Franz Suthofer (male), the name seems to come from the Hannover-area; 57. Claus Strotmann (male), Northern-German, Westfalian: somebody who lives in wet bushes (stroth); 58. Hermann Schimoller (male), similar "Schimmeyer": Westfalian, means somebody who lives in/on mouldry humidity, in decay; 59. Franz Richard (male), popular all over Germany and other parts of Europe, also in England.
60., Louis Odenwaller (male), West-German: somebody who comes from the "Odenwald" (most likely!), a low mountain or rather low chain of mountains with wood and forests near the River Neckar; 61. Franz Wybb (male), popular in Northern Germany, Lower German, somebody who is brilliant in fighting; 62. Ignatz Hay (male), similar: Haye, Hayen, Hayessen - Eastern Friesian word, Northern German, I do not know the meaning; 63. Friederich Kolkmeyer (male), Northern German, meaning somebody who lives near the "Kolk" - Swampy area around a fountain or pit; 64. Heinrich Hessling (male), Hannover: somebody who lives near Rinteln in Hannover (on the River Weser); 65. Urias Hofstetter (male), Southern German: somebody who lives and comes from Hoffstatten in Bavaria.
66. He(i)nrich Hackmann (male), Northern German, popular in Hamburg: somebody who is a shopkeeper, small tradesman, etc.; 67. William Reher (male), Northern German: somebody who is from Reher (male), Northern German: Somebody who is from Reher, a place, near Itzehoe and Hameln; 68. Josef(ph) Bockmann/Beckmann (male), Lower German (Northern German) meaning somebody who lives under beech-trees; 69. Heinrich Schimmoller (male), see above; 70. Theodor Lauf (male), Southern German; to me it seems to be somebody who comes from the place "Lauffen", Baden-Wuerttemberg.
7 1. Carl, Horstmann (male), Northern German, Westfalian: a man who lives in the "Horst" bush, wood; 72. Michael Heinl (male), Southern (Upper) German: short form of "Heinrich"; 73. Joseph Susauer (male), to me it seems Upper (Southern) German, but sorry, I am not sure! Can't explain it!;.74. Bernard Wittler (male), Southern German: from middle-German "witling" - widower; 75. Paul Schneeg (male), Sorry, I can't explain the word nor the roots! Seems to be Northern German, might be misspelled from N "Schnegg".
76. Bernard Bankhof (male), seems to be Northern German (in South this word would be spelled "...hofer" related to "Bankert": meaning illegitimate child; 77. Bernard Brockmann (male), see Nr. 441; 78. Wittwe Slotmann (female), Widow; similar "Schloter", see Nr. 471! Northern German.
Compiled by Robert Holdgreve
Delphos Historical Society
June 1, 2002 Delphos Herald Newspaper
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